Good Morning Viper Vanguard Family!
What a wonderful evening we shared together at the banquet on Saturday! It was great to see such a large turnout with smiling faces and great fellowship in the room. Huge thank you again to the booster organization: Brian Levine for leading the group; Jeff and Kristie Phares for connecting us with the catering; Carolyn Cunningham for leading the decorating effort, and so many more for lending a hand to help set up and tear down. We definitely hope to be able to move the event off campus next year and after such a nice turnout this year, I really expect we will be able to make that happen.
Thank you again to all who supported the band at the concert on Thursday. I was super proud of all of the groups and feel that each group has come such a long way this year. The concert charge REALLY helped us pay some bills at the end of the year as well. It was a nice way to wrap up the performance calendar for the year. We still have one more PERFORMANCE at Graduation on May 28th.
This week we begin to focus on future things in our program. We start with our annual Show Reveal event this Wednesday at 6pm. We will start with a brief parent meeting in the auditorium at 6pmwhile the students are working some icebreaker activities in the band room. The show announcement will be together to conclude the evening. I really am excited to announce what we will be doing next season, it’s going to be a great show!!
On Wednesday, May 29 we will have our marching band mini-camp and registration day. We will begin at 8:30am and be done by 1pm. There will be a TON on the agenda that day; and I will share more information as we approach that date. This week you will be receiving some paperwork, and that day I will be collecting a lot of that paperwork among other things. During the summer we will have rehearsals on June 10, 17 and 24 in the evenings. If you have plans; please don’t change them however, we expect if students are in town that they are at those important summer rehearsals!! BAND CAMP WILL BEGIN ON JULY 22nd.
Thank you again for all of your support this year. It really has been better than I could have imagined. Have a great week!!
Mr. Cunningham